These are the “Friends of the Library,” a loyal band dedicated to the Library of American Broadcasting. In one way or another, through donations of time, talent or capital, each has demonstrated a conspicuous fealty toward the institution and its mission. Their names – anticipated to be ever increasing in number – are remembered today and in perpetuity.
ABC Inc. John Abel James Abernathy Gene Accas Roger Adams Edward Adler Robbin Ahrold Edie Hand Aldridge Marcellus Alexander Fred Allen Mel Allen Alta Communications Joe Amaturo Campbell Arnoux Donald Anderson Louie J. Appell Loreen Arbus Roone Arledge Edwin H. Armstrong Asphalt Media James Babb William Baker Lucille Ball Missy Banis Red Barber David J. Barrett Ralph Baruch Steve Baum Jeff Baumann George Beasley Jeffy Beaver Martin Beck Ralph E. Becker Robert Beizer N.S. Bienstock Bob Bennett Bennett Productions Inc. N. L. Bentson Nina Benzi Gertrude Berg Edgar Bergen Milton Berle Judith Bernat Phil Beuth Beuth Family Foundation George C. Biggar Dorothy Blair John Portwood Blair Jonathan Blake David Blank Matthew Blank BNY Capital Markets Inc. Anne Bobeck James Bocock Eric Bodner Thomas Boggs Eugene Bohi Randall Bongarten Warren Boorom Pierre C. Bouvard Francis L. Boyle David Bradley Carl Brazell Barbara Brogliatti Maria E. Brennan Tom Brookshier Del Bryant Chickie Bucco Richard Buckley Reed E. Bunzel Elizabeth Burns George Burns & Gracie Allen Bill Burton Charles E. Butterfield Sid Caesar & Imogene Coca Arthur W. Carlson Marcy Carsey & Tom Werner Johnny Carson Michael Carter CBS Inc. John Cerquone James Champlin Dick Chapin Gary Chapman Joel Chaseman Anderson Clark Bill Clark Brian Cobb Barbara Cochran Bob Cohen Jane Cohen Jules Cohen Mark H. Cohen Bruce Collins Kerby E. Confer Peggy Conlon Frank Conrad Marion Contursi Tom Cookerly Joan Ganz Cooney Carole Cooper Don Cornwell Bill Cosby Katie Couric James Cox Cox Enterprises Walter Cronkite Bing Crosby Powel Crosley Jr. Milton J. Cross Mark Cuban Mario Cucinotta Nancy Curry Vincent J. Curtis Jr. David J. Custis Esquire Steve Dana Ronald Davenport Sr. William L. Dalton Tom Dawson John David Robert Decherd John Dille Barry Diller John Dimling Marilyn Dimling John Doerfler Phil Donahue Sam Donaldson David Donovan Michael Donovan Jim Dowdle Richard D. Dudley Jim Duffy Allen B. DuMont Orrin E. Dunlap Jr. Robert Elliott & Ray Goulding Gary Epstein Peter Fannon Erica Farber Philo Farnsworth Samuel Feinberg Jerry Feniger Richard A. Ferguson Jeffrey Ferry Norman Feuer Skip Finley Dennis FitzSimons Joseph A. Flaherty Avon Edward & Dorothy Garvis Foote Lee de Forest Richard A. Foreman Bob Fountain Alan Frank Martin A. Franks Richard Frazer Pauline Frederick Fred Friendly James D. Freeman Richard French Gary Fries Edward O. Fritts Fujisankei Communications International Dorothy Fuldheim Robert F. Fuller Colleen Gally John Gambling The Gamblings General Motors David O. Glazer Jackie Gleason Arthur Godfrey Melvin A. Goldberg Ralph Elliot Goldberg Goldman Sachs Specialty Lending Group Leonard Goldenson Dean Goodman Freeman Gosden & Charles Correll Mary Goulazian Peter R. Goulazian Arlene Graff Herbert Granath Jim Greenwald Merv Griffin Marc Guild Ralph Guild Raymond F. Guy David Halberstam Patricia Hambrecht O.B. Hanson Jack Harris Richard Harris Paul Harvey Gabriel Heatter William S. Hedges Jules Herbuveaux Stanley E. & Stanley S. Hubbard Hubbard Broadcasting Gordon Hastings Rose Heller Ragan A. Henry Don Hewitt Andrew Heyward Ben R. Hoberman Takashi Hoga Bob Hope Holland & Knight LLP Catherine Hughes Betty Hudson Ward L. Huey Jr Chet Huntley & David Brinkley Gene F. Jankowski Lucy Jarvis Harry A. Jessell JJP Advisory LLC Kathryn Mays Johnson Robert L. Johnson Jim & Marian Jordan NBC Universal Mel Karmazin James Keelor Jamie Kellner James R. Kelly John Kelly David Kennedy James Kennedy George H. V. Kaltenborn John Kluge Edgar Kobak LAB Gulf War Collection Lathan & Watkins LLP Laura Lawrence Jerry Lee Rose Lee Richard Leibner Gloria Levy Joe Lewin Shari Lewis Barry Lewis Liberty Corporation LIN Television Philip J. Lombardo John Long Peter A. Lund Lucille Luongo Anthony C. (Tony) Malara Pierson G. Mapes Guglielmo Marconi James K. Mason Timothy McAuliffe L. Lowry Mays Mark Mays Randall Mays Jim McCormick Nancy McCormick-Pickett Donald McGannon Alfred J. McKosker Ed McLaughlin Gordon McLendon Graham McNamee Brian McNeill Don McNeill Jack Messmer Edwin C. Metcalfe Mark K. Miller Stanley H. Moger William G. Moll Elizabeth Wilde Mooney James T. Morley Ginny Hubbard Morris Lester S. Morse Morse Family Foundation Moses & Singer LLP Frank E. Mullen Thomas S. Murphy Edward R. Murrow Charles Naftain Dawson B. Nail Susan Ness New York State Broadcasters Association Kevin O’Brien Eugene P. O’Fallon Stu Olds David O’Shaughnessy William O’Shaughnessy Jack Paar Preston Padden William S. Paley William Paley Jr. Shelly Palmer Ed Papazian Harry J. Pappas Dennis Patrick Larry Patrick John F. Patt Lowell (Bud) Paxson Jerry Perenchio Irna Phillips Frederick S. Pierce John J. Pomerantz J. R. Poppele Annette Posell Ward Quaal James H. Quello William Rondina Radio Advertising Bureau Tony Randall Dan Rather Ken Ray Ronald Reagan David Rehr Edward T. Reilly Earl Reilly Jr. Joseph Reilly J. Leonard Reinsch Sharon Rockefeller Fred Rogers Chris Rohrs Charlie Rose James Rosenfield John F. Royal Al Rubin Bill Ryan Lucie Salhany Harvey Sandler David Sarnoff Richard Savage Diane Sawyer Scarborough Research Richard Schmidt Franklin D. Schurz Jr. Eric Sevareid Roy Shapiro Allen Shaw Shaun Sheehan Arnold Sheiffer Marks Paneth Shron Al Sikes James F. Sirmons H. W. Slavick David Smilow E. Berry Smith Les Smith Phillip M. Smith Jeffrey Smulyan Joseph B. Somerset Howard Sontag Lee Spinelli Nancy Splaine Kenneth Starr Starr & Co. Frank Stanton Robert Stefanowski Theodore Stenklar Susquehanna Broadcasting George Storer Todd Storz Ed Sullivan Pierre Sutton Dennis Swanson John Tague Lawrence B. Taishoff Sol Taishoff Tom Tarzian Danny & Marlo Thomas Lowell Thomas Tony Thomas Jim Thompsonj Barry Thurston The Tichenors Gary Tobey The Today Show Ben Tucker William F. Turner TvB Perry S. Ury Nick Verbitsky Melodie Virtue Mike Wallace Judith C. Waller Albert Warren Brian Watson Don West Virginia Pate Wetter Richard E. Wiley Robert Williams Russ Withers Mark Woods Ramsey L. Woodworth Jessica Chaikin Wolin Bob Wright Peggy and Adam Young Millard S. Younts Vladimir Zworykin